Highly Prestigious Scholarship Vanier Canada Graduate

Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships 
Highly Prestigious and  Competitive Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships for Masters leading to PhD and PhD 2020-2021 in Canada for almost every fields Health Research, Natural Sciences and/or Engineering Research, Social Sciences and/or Humanities Research are now Open for Applications

Read full details below 
Dear all, Vanier is one of the competitive scholarships in Canada as this scholarship is not only open for Pakistanis but for other nationalities too and also open for Canadian Citizens too.

You can go for MS leading to PhD and for PhD in it. But if you are going for MS leading to PhD, then duration of this MS leading to PhD will be more than 03 years. But Vanier funding is only for 03 years. Therefore, you have to look for extra funding for extra years in case of MS leading to PhD. May be Canadian professor can give you some insights about it. But for PhD, you can avail it for the full time duration, which is three years.
Areas/ majors are Health research, Natural sciences and/or engineering research, Social sciences and/or humanities research.
See the procedures and follow them now to secure apply for it with full preparations fulfilled

Almost all the fields/majors, you can go for in it. But You have to read the  procedures below and the procedures given in the links given at the end of the post. IF you are not careful to the procedures then you will not be able to understand it
You can see 2020 winners of this scholarship here

 See procedures and follow them now to secure a position for yourself using vanier
1) You have to apply in Canadian Universities, which have quota/seats of Vanier( check here the universities which have quota of Vanier  Check Here
2) Every university has its own deadline, so you have to check with universities individually, in which you are applying
3) You can apply to one university only for Vanier.  University will evaluate your profile and nominate you for Vanier candidate of it and will recommend you to Vanier
4) The Vanier will make the final selection

Now how to Complete a Vanier CGS application
1) Confirm eligibility
2) Contact your desired nominating institution
Inform the faculty of graduate studies at the selected institution of your intent to apply to the Vanier CGS program.
3)  Register for Canadian Common CV (CCV) and ResearchNet accounts
4) Create a CCV (Vanier-Banting Academic template) and link to ResearchNet application
5) Start a ResearchNet application
6) Identify area of research
* Rest 7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14 steps can be read on this page

In order to contact Canadian Institutions regarding MS leading to PhD and PhD, you must find relevant professors in those universities and see if some professors gets impressed by your profile. The professor will only be impressed by your profile, if your previous work, knowledge, studies are relevant to his/her work and useful to him/her. He will not be impressed by your general emails, praises of professor, or your CV without cover email or your CNIC number. After he/she is willing to supervise you. Then, he/she can guide you further to put application process through his/her institution.
Do not ask for acceptance letters. This is not a Chinese Govt. Scholarship. All you need a consent of professor which he / she will show you in emails and then he/she will guide you further regarding it.
So the best way is to contact professors and then get contacted to graduate school director by the reference of him/her to fulfill the step of contact desired nominating institution. Then go through the procedures, given above and also in links below
Do check the previous years winners of vanier and their profiles

The deadline of Vanier Scholarship by institutions/universities is Deadline: November 03, 2020. But internal deadlines of the universities vary. So , you have to follow the internal deadlines of universities for Vanier, therefore find universities apply for them now

Canadian universities require IELTS/  TOEFL for admission, so you must have done it prior to applying

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