Fsc Biology Part 1 How To Get Good Marks With Smart Preparation Strategy - TARGET THESE CHAPTERS ONLY

Fsc Biology Part 1 How To Get Good Marks With Smart Preparation Strategy : 

Let's talk about the biology Part 1 Exam first of all we have to decide our target, target wise study helps us to easily focus on specific things and specific chapters:
I have set some targets for you in the post below:

1st Target to get 28 Marks

2nd Target to get 40 Marks

3rd Target to get 50 Marks

4th Target to get 63 Marks

5th Target to get 70 Marks

6th Target to get 85 Marks

To achieve these targets now I will divide chapters according to all try to learn all these chapters to achieve results for the following targets. 

Prepare Following Chapter Target Wise

1st = 3+4+7+13/3+4+5+6

2nd =3+4+7+13+12 

3rd =3+4+7+13+12+5+6

4th =3+4+7+13+12+5+6+1+2

5th = 3+4+7+13+12+5+6+1+2+11

6th = Selective Long Pairs + Selective Short + All MCQS


Best of Luck

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