FSC PART1 Biology Guess Paper 2021





1.         Define microbiology and Biotechnology.(Most Imp)


2.         Write the names of four eras of Geological Time chart.


3.          Differentiate between freshwater biology and Marine biology. (Most Imp)


4.          Define biodiversity. Give the percentage of different groups of organisms.(Most Imp)


5.         What is meant physiology and parasitology.


6.         What are micro molecules and macro molecules. (Most Imp)

7.         Define deductive reasoning and inductive reasoning. (Most Imp)


8.         Define the phyletic lineage and biodiversity. (Most Imp)


9.         Differentiate between theory and law. (Most Imp)


10.      Define scientific law. Give two examples.


11.       What is a hydroponic culture technique? Give its importance. (Most Imp)


12.      What is integrated disease management. (Most Imp)


13.      Differentiate between anatomy and morphology.


14.      Differentiate between hypothesis and theory. (Most Imp)


15.      Differentiate between population and community. (Most Imp)


16.      What is biochemistry? Give its importance.


17.      What is heat capacity of water. Give its importance. (Most Imp)


18.      Define protective role of water.


19.      What are lipids? Give two functions of waxes.


20.      Differentiate between saturated and unsaturated fatty acid. (Most Imp)


21.      Show peptide bond between two amino acids.


22.      Give general formula of an amino acid.


23.       Define Heat of vaporization. What is heat of vaporization of water. (Most Imp)


24.      What are conjugated compounds. (Most Imp)


25.      Define enzymes.


26.      Differentiate between apoenzyme and holoenzyme. (Most Imp)


27.      What are Cofactor and activator of enzyme. (Most Imp)


28.      Differentiate between prosthetic group and Activator


29.      What are enzymes and coenzymes. (Most Imp)


30.      How is prosthetic group differ from coenzyme. (Most Imp)


31.      Write down any four characteristics of enzyme.


32.      What is enzyme to enzyme chain.


33.      Define koshland model of enzyme action. (Most Imp)


34.      What is lock and key model? Who proposed this model. (Most Imp)


35.      What are enzyme inhibitors? Give their major types. (Most Imp)


36.      Differentiate between reversible and Irreversible enzyme inhibitors.


37.      What are competitive and noncompetitive enzyme inhibitors.


38.      Differentiate between substrate and active site of enzymes.


39.      What is induced fit model of enzyme action. (Most Imp)


40.       Differentiate between binding site and catalytic site of an enzyme. (Most Imp)


41.      Compare pepsin with Pepsi no gym.

42.      Differentiate between inhibitors and activators.


43.      What is plasma membrane? Give its composition.


44.      Compare nucleus with nucleoid.


45.      Define Fluid mosaic model of the cell membrane. (Most Imp)


46.      What are the thylakoid and granum.


47.      Compare composition of primary and secondary cell walls. (Most Imp)


48.      What is meant by cell fractionation.


49.      Give important functions of cytoplasm.


50.      Write down the role of centrioles.


51.      How cristae is different from cisternae.


52.      Define polysome and ribosomes.


53.      How microtubules is differ from microfilament. (Most Imp)


54.      Differentiate between chromoplast and leucoplast. (Most Imp)


55.      What are plastids? Give functions of one of them.

56.      What is the stroma? Give its functions.


57.      Give functions of smooth Endoplasmic reticulum.


58.      What is nucleolus? Give its functions.


59.      Differentiate between prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells. (Most Imp)


60.      Give the role of vacuole in plant cell.


61.      How intermediate filaments support cell.


62.      Define species. Give one example. (Most Imp)


63.      Give biological classification of corn. (Most Imp)


64.       What is Binomial Nomenclature? What are the rules of nomenclature. (Most Imp)


65.      Differentiate between the capsid and capsomer. 

66.      How virion differ from prion.


67.      What is AIDS? Write four symptoms of AIDS. (Most Imp)


68.      Differentiate between lytic and lysogenic phage. (Most Imp)


69.      Differentiate between lysogeny and induction in bacteria. (Most Imp)


70.      Differentiate between lophotrichous and amphitrichous.


71.      What is meant by aerobic and anaerobic bacteria. (Most Imp)


72.      What are Pili? Give their functions. (Most Imp)


73.      Differentiate between Slime and capsule.


74.      What are plasmids? Give their significance. (Most Imp)


75.      What are mesosomes? Write the role.


76.       Differentiate between gram positive and Gram Negative bacteria. (Most Imp)


77.       What are trichomes? Give the structure and function of heterocysts. (Most Imp)


78.      Write two characteristics of Kingdom Protista.


79.        Write down two similarities and differences between fungi and fungus like protists.


80.      Write the two characteristics of zooflagellates. (Most Imp)


81.      What are choanoflagellates.


82.       Differentiate between micro nucleus and macro nucleus in ciliates. (Most Imp)


83.      How algae differ from plants. (Most Imp)


84.       Why green Algae are considered as ancestors of Greenland plants. (Most Imp)


85.      Write a note on euglenoids.


86.      Explain Red tides. (Most Imp)


87.      What are kelps? Name the parts of thallus of kelp. (Most Imp)


88.      Give the characters of Oomycotes.


89.      What is meant by mentle and spicules. (Most Imp)


90.      Name methods of asexual reproduction in fungi.


91.      What is nuclear Mitosis.


92.      Define hyphae. Give their two types. (Most Imp)


93.      Define lichens and mycorrhizae. (Most Imp)


94.      Define endomycorrhizae and ectomycorrhizae.


95.      Differentiate between rusts and smuts. (Most Imp)


96.      How Budding differ from fragmentation. (Most Imp)


97.      How spore differ from conidia.

98.      What do you mean by budding and parasexuality.


99.      What are toad stools? Give example(Most Imp)


100.   What is phylogenetic system of classification.


101.   What are amphibians plants of world. (Most Imp)


102.   Differentiate between antheridiophores and archegoniophores.


103.   Differentiate between monocots and dicots. (Most Imp)


104.   What is protonema. (Most Imp)


105.   Differentiate between ovule and seed. (Most Imp)


106.   What are fronds, in which group they are found.


107.   Give common name of adiantum

108.   Differentiate between bryophytes and tracheophytes.


109.   Differentiate between microphylls and megaphylls.


110.   What is overtopping. (Most Imp)


111.   Define ovule and embryo sac. (Most Imp)


112.   Differentiate between homeospori and heterospory. (Most Imp)


113.   What are gymnospermae? Give examples.


114.   Define double fertilization. (Most Imp)


115.   Write four characteristics of bryophytes.


116.   What are integuments and lenticels. (Most Imp)


117.   Why annelids and arthropods are considered having same origin.


118.   Differentiate between radial and bilateral symmetry.


119.   Differentiate between diploblastic and triploblastic animals. (Most Imp)


120.   Differentiate between schizocoelous and enterocoelous coelom.


121.    Differentiate between cold blooded and warm blooded animals. (Most Imp)


122.   Define sac like and tube like digestive systems. (Most Imp)


123.   How acoelomates differ from pseudocoelomates.


124.   Define gemmules and protandrous.


125.   Write down the importance of sponges. (Most Imp)

126.   Differentiate between polyps and Medusae. (Most Imp)


127.   What are coral reefs. (Most Imp)


128.   Write any two parasitic adaptations is flatworms.


129.   Give beneficial effects of insects.


130.   What are the harms caused by insects. (Most Imp)


131.   How are echinoderms related to hemichordates.


132.   Differentiate between coelomates and acoelomates.


133.   How is the spiral cleavage different from radial cleavage. (Most Imp)


134.   What is meant by bacteriochlorophyll.


135.   What do you know about rubisco? Write down its function. (Most Imp)


136.   Define bioenergetics. (Most Imp)


137.     Give any two differences between photosynthesis and respiration. (Most Imp)


138.   Define photosynthesis. Give its summary equation. (Most Imp)


139.   What is compensation point? Where it occurs.

140.   What are aerobic and anaerobic respiration. (Most Imp)


141.   What are accessory pigments in plants? Give their functions.


142.   Differentiate between absorption and action spectrum.


143.   Give the function of spectrophotometer.


144.   Define photolysis and photophophorylation.


145.   Define chemiosmosis. (Most Imp)


146.    Differentiate between alcoholic and lactic acid fermentation. (Most Imp)


147.   What is meant by aerobic and anaerobic respiration. (Most Imp)


148.   What is glycolysis? Where it take plac in the cell. (Most Imp)


149.     Differentiate between light reaction and dark reaction of photosynthesis. (Most Imp)

150.   Give the features of saprophyte.


151.   Differentiate between absorption and assimilation. (Most Imp)


152.   What are insectivorous plants? How they get their carbohydrates.


153.   Differentiate between glottis and applicability. (Most Imp)


154.   What are root nodules? Give their role. (Most Imp)


155.   What is a holozoic nutrition. (Most Imp)


156.   Name characteristics process involved in holozoic nutrition.


157.   Differentiate between herbivores and Carnivores. (Most Imp)


158.   What are Omniverse? Give their two examples.


159.   Differentiate between ingestion and egestion. (Most Imp)


160.   Define villi. Name the lymphatic vessel present in Villi. (Most Imp)


161.   Write components and functions of saliva. (Most Imp)


162.   Name the various types of salivary gland in man. (Most Imp)


163.   What is the peristalsis and antiperistalsis.


164.   What is hunger pang. (Most Imp)


165.   Differentiate between chyme and Bolus. (Most Imp)


166.    Describe the three kinds of cells present in gastric glands. (Most Imp)


167.   Water prevents the wall of stomach from being digested. (Most Imp)


168.   Differentiate between appendix and appendicitis. (Most Imp)


169.   Differentiate between intracellular and extracellular digestion.


170.   Differentiate between saprophytic and parasitic mode of nutrition.


171.   Write only two function of oral cavity. (Most Imp)


172.   Write down any two function of Villi. (Most Imp)


173.   In what way is better respiratory medium than water.


174.   What is diaphragm? State its role in breathing. (Most Imp)


175.   Define respiratory surface. Give their properties.


176.   What are parabronchi. (Most Imp)


177.   Differentiate between inhalation and exhalation. (Most Imp)


178.   Define para bronchi and bronchioles.


179.   Differentiate between stomata and lenticels. (Most Imp)


180.   What is the lyrics or voice box. (Most Imp)


181.   What is vocal cord? Give its function.

182.   Differentiate between diaphragm and pleura. (Most Imp)


183.    Write down carbon dioxide concentration in arterial and venous blood.


184.     How does the temperature affect the oxygen carrying capacity of hemoglobin.


185.   What is asthma? Give its two causes. (Most Imp)


186.   What is myoglobin? Describe also its function. (Most Imp)


187.   How hemoglobin differ from myoglobin.


188.   Differentiate between inhaled and exhaled air composition.


189.   What is the rate of breathing at rest and during exercise.


190.   State pressure flow theory.


191.   Differentiate between diffusion and osmosis. (Most Imp)


192.   Differentiate between apoplast and symplast pathway.


193.   Differentiate between an artery and a vein. (Most Imp)


194.   Distinguish between plasmolysis and deplasmolysis.


195.   What do you know about bleeding in plants.


196.   What is plasmodesmata. (Most Imp)


197.   Differentiate between sink and source in plants. (Most Imp)


198.   Differentiate between single and double circuit heart. (Most Imp)


199.   Differentiate between pulmonary and systematic circulation. (Most Imp)


200.   Define Blue baby and it's one cause. (Most Imp)


201.   What is a hypertension and stroke. (Most Imp)


202.   Differentiate between vasodilation and vasoconstriction. (Most Imp)


203.   What is brain hemorrhage? Give its two preventive measures.


204.   How systolic pressure differ from diastolic pressure.


205.   Define immunity and give two types.


206.   Define antigen and antibody.


207.    Differentiate between natural active immunity and artificial active immunity.


208.   Define active and passive immunity. (Most Imp)


209.   What is a cell mediated and humoral immune response.

210.   Differentiate between thrombus and ambolus.


211.   Differentiate Between open and closed circulatory system. (Most Imp)




1.          Discuss water as medium of life. Also give its properties and importance.


2.          Describe Private primary and secondary structure of protein. (Most Imp)


3.          Describe the structure and function of plasma membrane.


4.          Write a detailed note on endoplasmic reticulum.


5.          Write a note on mitochondria. (Most Imp)


6.          What are plastids? Explain structure and function of chloroplast. (Most Imp)


7.          Differentiate between prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells. (Most Imp)


8.          Describe the life cycle of bacteriophages. (Most Imp)


9.          Sketch the infection cycle of HIV.


10.       Write a note on acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). (Most Imp)


11.        What is Hepatitis? Give the symptoms and discuss its different types in detail.


12.      Describe different classes of bacteria on the basis of flagella.


13.      Discuss the process of nutrition in bacteria. (Most Imp)


14.      Discuss growth and reproduction in bacteria. (Most Imp)


15.        Describe different physical and chemical methods to control bacteria.


16.      Write a note on use and misuse of antibiotic. (Most Imp)


17.      Discuss the taxonomic status of fungi..


18.        Discuss different methods of a sexual reproduction in fungi. (Most Imp)


19.       Write a note on economic gain and losses due to fungi. (Most Imp)


20.      Write a note on adaptation of bryophytes for life on a land.


21.      Write down the life cycle of adiantum. (Most Imp)


22.      Describe in detail evolution of leaf. (Most Imp)


23.       Give the list of various steps involved in the evolution of seed habit.


24.        Briefly describe the steps involved in the non cyclic phosphorylation.


25.       Draw and label Z-scheme/non cyclic phosphorylation. (Most Imp)


26.       Draw and describe Calvin cycle in photosynthesis. (Most Imp)


27.       What is glycolysis? Sketch its various steps only. (Most Imp)


28.      Explain krebs cycle. (Most Imp)


29.      Discuss heterotrophic nutrition methods in plants.


30.      Discuss the process of nutrition in insectivorous plants.


31.      Digestion in oral cavity of man. (Most Imp)

32.      Explain digestion in human stomach. (Most Imp)


33.       Describe the role of large intestine in human digestion. (Most Imp)


34.       Describe the role of pancreas in liver in food digestion in human


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