Netherland Scholarships For Master and PhD

Here we have A short link Guide for finding Higher Education opportunities (Masters/MPhil & Ph.D. or Post Doc.)in the Netherlands with opportunities of Different Scholarships.

Netherland Opportunities
The Netherlands has more than 20 Universities and most of them are in the World best 500 lists. Some names:
  1. University of Amsterdam UVA
  2. Amsterdam University VU
  3. Delft University of Technology
  4. Eindhoven University of Technology
  5. University of Groningen
  6. Leiden University
  7. Maastricht University
  8. Radboud University Nijmegen
  9. Erasmus University Rotterdam
  10. University of Twente
  11. Tilburg University
  12. Utrecht University
  13. University of Wageningen

There are more privately-funded universities…/List_of_universities_in_the_Neth…

Among them, four universities of technology formed an alliance called 4TU
List of English Undergraduate courses:
Have a look at this video to know what the Netherlands has to offer

Now scholarship opportunities:
There are two ways to get scholarships in the Netherlands. 1. International or National Fund (Erasmus, NUFFIC, etc.) 2. University Scholarship Programs
International or National Fund (Erasmus, NUFFIC, etc.)
Each year NUFFIC provides good no scholarships for Master and Ph.D. students. Scholarship holders will get full tuition fee waiver+ living expenses and other costs. Orange Knowledge Programme OKP (previously known as NFP):…/orange-knowledge-programme-…
Other scholarships administrated by NUFFIC:
There is a useful search engine called “Grantfinder”, you can search for your desired field:…/scholarships/grantfinder
Some of the Dutch universities (UvA, TU/e, UT, etc.) are partners of the different Erasmus Mundus Master programs. For detail information about those programs, check the following sites or respective universities' websites.

There are a lot more opportunities waiting for You please keep visiting we will update More scholarships opportunities

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