IDEX Université Grenoble Alpes Master Scholarships call for application is open until June 2020

🔆Top Universiteis of France 
🔆8000 Euro /Year

Award and Benifits
The amount of the scholarship is 8000 euros for the academic year. If one of the two semesters is dedicated to a funded internship, the amount of the scholarship is reduced to 5000 euros.

Terms and conditions
Applications to this program are open to foreign students (i.e. students currently enrolled in a University outside France) who apply to one of the Masters offered by the following higher education and research institutions: 
🔜Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Grenoble,
🔜Grenoble INP
🔜 Sciences Po Grenoble - 
🔜UGA, Université Grenoble Alpes

Applicants can either apply to the first year of a Master or for the second year of a Master.

The selection of the candidates will mainly take into account their academic record and their material situation.

 Application process
●The student must firstapply to one of the Masters offered by the above-mentioned higher  education  and  research  institutions.  The application  must  be  for  the  2020-2021 academic year. Note that each Master has its own deadline for application.
●During  the  application  process  (or  at  the  end  of  the  application  process  in  some cases), the student will receive the required information to apply for the scholarship.
●The  results  for  the  Master  Scholarships  will  be  sent  shortly  after  the  admission results for the Master to which the student applied.

Application period
From January 2020 to July 2021 (depending on the Master)

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