What are Degree Levels /

Degree Levels Available

Degree LevelAverage Completion Time (full-tme)Common Prerequisite
Associate degree2 yearsHigh school diploma or equivalent
Bachelor's degree4 yearsHigh school diploma or equivalent
Master's degree1-2 yearsBachelor's degree
Doctoral degree2+ yearsMaster's degree (sometimes bachelor's degree is acceptable)
Universities and community colleges award degrees at varying levels, from associate's degrees to doctoral degrees. When comparing different degrees, students can consider which program best fits their career goals and academic interests.
There are four major categories of degrees available for postsecondary students: associate, bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees. Earning one of these degrees can take 2-8 years, depending on the level of the degree and field of study. Graduate-level programs may require students to complete one or more undergraduate programs prior to enrollment.

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